Irish Cream and Orange Latte Recipe

Asian Coffee Recipes - Mixture of Coffee Recipes

Asian Coffee Recipes

How you make yourself a cup of coffee that mix with orange? How to keep me awake? Orange mind able to help you.

Serve 1 glass (tall)
1) 2 tbs of Irish cream and orange syrup respectively
2) 1 shot of organic espresso
3) 5 ice cubes
4) 0.75 cup of low fat steamed milk
5) 1 slice of Orange as garnish


Denote: tbs = tablespoons

Equipments needed:
Espresso maker and electronic blender

Steps of Preparation
1. Mix everything into the blender cup except orange slice.

2. Blend it for 30 to 45 seconds until all evenly mixed.

3. Take a clean glass and pour your latte into it.

4. At last, you can either squeeze or just put the orange slice on top of the glass as garnish or make it better.

5. You can drink your coffee now.

Enjoy your Irish Cream and Orange Latte Coffee now.

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