Vanilla And Peppermint Latte Recipe

Asian Coffee Recipes - Mixture of Coffee Recipes

Asian Coffee Recipes

Can I mix peppermint into coffee? The answer is yes, details of how will show to you by referring to the below recipe.

Serves for 1 people
1) 2 tbs of vanilla syrup
2) 1 shot of organic espresso
3) 0.75 cup of low fat steamed milk
4) 2 tbs of pepperminy syrup
5) 4 ice cubes


Denote: tbs = tablespoons,  ts = teaspoons

Equipments needed:
Espresso Maker

Steps of Preparation
1. This coffee usually you need some ice cube. I would suggest you start with 3 to 5 ice cube. Take an empty blender cup and put everything into the cup.

2. Blend it for 1 minute until all mix well.

3. Take an empty glass and pour your latte over to the glass.

4. When done, you can serve your latte now.

Enjoy your Vanilla with Peppermint Latte Today.

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