Espresso De Borgia Recipe

Asian Coffee Recipes - Mixture of Coffee Recipes

Asian Coffee Recipes

Another coffee that makes me feel fresh.

Serves for 1 person
1) 1 shot of espresso
2) 0.5 oz or 2 tbs of cream de cacao syrup
3) 0.5 oz or 2 tbs of amaretto Italian style of syrup
4) Whipped cream
5) 1 tbs of nutmeg as garnish


Denote: tbs = tablespoons, ts = teaspoons

Equipments Needed
Espresso Maker and Electronic Blender

Steps for Preparation
1. Take a blender container, fill up all the syrups and espresso.

2. Blend it well until it become smooth.

3. Pour it into a tall glass and top of the rest of the glass with whipped cream.

4. At last, put some nutmeg as garnish.

5. Enjoy your Espresso De Borgia.

Enjoy Your Espresso De Borgia Today.

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